Body-Breaking Parent Moves & How To Fix Them Part 2: BABYWEARING
On-the-go baby cuddles! Who would say no to that!?
Did you read part 1 about carrying your baby? If not, click here.
If you did, continue ahead!
Carry baby in car seat
Hunch forward, rounding the shoulders
Flex your body at your hips
Hold baby on your hip
Keep baby's spine rigid or too straight
Wear your baby close to your body with a good wrap or baby carrier
Make sure baby is in the spread squat position or M-position with thighs spread around mom and hips bent with knees slightly higher than buttocks
Keep baby's spine in a soft "J" shape until they begin to develop the natural spinal curves (sit, crawl, stand)
Avoid prolonged swaddling of baby
Encourage child to crawl and walk when appropriate
Did you know that cultures where baby wearing is common have a low frequency of hip dysplasia/dislocation compared to high frequencies in cultures where swaddling is utilized more often? When the hip joint is held in 40-55 degrees of abduction and 90-110 of flexion, the head of the femur is able to sit evenly in the center of the hip socket, allowing for a stable and mobile hip joint and reducing the risk of hip dysplasia or dislocation. Check out the picture below!

(image from
Stay tuned to part 3 where we discuss how to properly change your baby's diaper!